Senta Storage System

This is the main page for the Spades ♤ and Clubs ♧ version pair. It will be the place that directs to a patch files page, various information, and a question portal among other needs.

Patches - will direct to the patch files page. It is a list that details each specific release.

Questions & Report - directs to a questionaire/report page. Please evaluate the of a patch before reporting a concern, it will elaborate already known issues. Within a report, specifying the patch version is preferred.

Have fun playing!

In the Senta Region, an island once heralded for a strong and competitive surplus of trainers, have dwindled overtime when its league officially disbanded after uncertain complications. But recently word spread that the league suddenly begun anew, to regrow back to its old glory days of competition. Something that catches the eye of many, such people include both you and your friend, two 16 year old's living in Lotus Town.

The two of you wish to take this opportunity to travel the island seeing all it may offer, growing as both new trainers and people just as your parents did in their youth. Having told this desire to your uncle Cypress, a longtime researcher within the Senta Region, he has agreed to offer specially prepared Pokémon for you two to start out with. Now you wait for him, eager for him to stop by and once he does, it will be where your journey begins in this wide world of Pokémon.